Up to this point in coming to know Amanda/Maria, I didn't know she was from out of town. Out of country, actually. Fully out of continent, and on an entirely different land mass. To this point, I believed as she'd stated in her profile that she lived about a 30 minute drive from me. Today, she revealed the truth:
Hi, Dave! It's me Maria. I have to apologize for not writing so long, but it was a crazy hectic week, and finally it is over! How have you been? I guess when someone close in your area you tend to be more open in sharing about yourself because the possibility of meeting seems to be welcoming but I want you to know I'm not close. Even I'm not in united states, I'm a girl from russia and I've the reason to like to get to know you. I don't want to expect that I'll not catch the reply from you because I received your message on my email and decided to write the answer. I had several profiles on different dating sites like yahoo or match but I havn't now because nobody replied to my profiles. So I deleted it and decided to reply for your message, thank you for the message! I want you to know that I'm common girl and I don't like secrecy and other things like urgency or cant. I want you to know what is the reason of my reply is. All my life I live in Russia and I never be outside of and this is the first reason. I learned in several foundations like school ,college, university and I have professional medical education, my speciality is an anesthetist and I've all certificates and patents for this kind of activity. Do you know how much anesthetist earn in Russia? Sometimes about less than ten thousand or roubles and it's about less than three hundreds and seventy american dollars because one dollar is just about twenty seven roubles. It's not so very bad here but I know that other people earn much more because they have job outside of our country. This is the second reason but I have third and it's not less important than previous two reasons. I havn't any boyfriend at this time, I hadn't husband or serious relationship before because I learned and wanted to be professional medic, now it's time for my job and making family but I don't want to have job here in russia. I want to have it in united states because the salary is much bigger and the country is more better and I will have it very soon because I have the license and my request is in progress. I have the contract already. Hope you understand that I will live in united states and I could choose the place where to live because there are many places where I could work. I want to find friends in united states so this is the reason of my email to you. Can I be friend for you? Are you interested in knowing me? Now little more about me. I enjoy going to movies, beach, parks and other places. I feel I am definitely an easy-going, fun, romantic, open-minded, honest, sincere, and loyal girl also. I hate drama and dishonesty. I wanna go slow and take our time and feel assured that the two of us have made the best choice also. Write me back tell what you feel and if you do wanna still connect with me I think we should talk. I'm really glad we managed to match each other. So on average what do you do to pass your free time? I'd love to hear about hobbies of any kind that really capture your interest. Once again I want to tell you that I will come to united states after few weeks or month so we can be friends and maybe meet in future who knows. As I told you before Maria is my real name, you can call me Maria or Masha for short or familiar. You can write me at sunlightlady@gmail.com. I've attached a picture for you! I hope you will like it!
And I'll be glad if you will send me your recent pics as well!
Waiting for your reply asap, Maria.
P.S. If you are not interested in knowing me, please let me know, ok?
Now friends and neighbors, I think you'll agree that this is a beautiful young lady. And though you haven't seen me, you can probably guess that she's out of my league. I thought to myself, "This sounds so much like a scam, I can taste it!" After a little google'ing, I found the text of her email to me on another site. Yep, she's running this little scam for several folks.
I decided I didn't want to play. So I wrote back:
Hi Maria,
I'm not really looking for "family making" at this stage of my life. I wish you well.
I assumed she'd write me off as a rube that just didn't work out. Apparently, I was wrong. Her next message came only two days later.
First, THANKS, for posting the e-mails.
My story - I posted a profile for women on Yahoo and got an e-mail from Maria who had a deleted profile. We traded several e-mails and I wanted to see where it was going. My e-mails were never read though I was never as bold as you. And I said in the first e-mail, I don't know where you want to go with this but I am not sending money to you because you send me e-mails and yet, the e-mails continued.
Here is the one I got this morning (Mar 13th):
Hello my faraway friend!
How are you there Bill? Are you feeling well? I hope that you are in good health!
I start to feel better. I drank two big cups of tea yesterday and got a rest. It helped
me much. Today the weather here is good, the sun is shining but we can get snow in the
evening like we got yesterday. You maybe saw it in the picture I sent you yesterday.
Bill, I went today to my agency and I was told that I will be able to choose a location
near you! It might be not your town but somewhere very close! As soon as all of my documents
will be ready I'll reserve a flight. As I stated before I think it will be by March 22.
I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! I have never traveled so far before! I just
don't know will wait for me there. My mom and my other relatives are also very nervous about
my trip, but they are all trying to hold me on and to help me to get ready for the trip.
Bill, maybe you can give me some advises. What should I take with myself, how to behave.
I do not bringing any personal stuff - just clothing. What should I take else? Please let me
know your thoughts.
By the way, I want to ask you Bill. I've heard that piercing or tattoos are very popular
in America. Is this a truth? A year ago I wanted to make a tattoo on my hip, but I didn't
venture. But I still have one hobby. I maybe never told you before and it is because I have a
very little time for it right now. I play guitar a little bit Bill! I have never played
very well and it seems that I completely forgot how to play for now. I'll try to play something
this evening. Maybe something will remember. But before I'll go home I want to go to the shop.
My friend Katerina told me that she saw a very beautiful dress. Also she said that the dress
was blue as a sky! As I wrote you before it is my favourite colour. So I can remain standing,
I have to take a look on it.
Bill, I wanted to call you, but it seems to be quite expensive to make a call to you.
Since I have no a phone that will be able to receive an international calls I think that if
I'll call you from NYC it will be ok. But anyway I'll try to find a cheap way to call you
from Russia.
Bill, I have to say that I start to feel some kind of affection towards you. Your letters
brighten my days. Keep them coming!
It's time for me to quit. Till tomorrow Bill!
Your friend
P.S. I want to ask you to not send large size pics or video. Make them as much small I do my
pics, ok? It could take much time to download them and it is quit expensive. Please be sure
to make them not larger then 50kb, ok? I hope you understand.
Yep, I got the same email. I'll be posting it soon.
Yes I got the same type of e-mails.
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