Today's picture looked familiar, so I glanced back at her other pics. Yes, she's wearing the same outfit here as in another pic. I checked her letters and sure enough, she claims both of them were taken last summer. I just can't get over how well done, how thoroughly planned this scam is.
In reply to this most recent note, I wrote:
Greetings Maria,
Though my phlegm still taunts me, your words today are as the softest, lotion-infused tissue!
I have to admit, with being sick, I'm not up to chatting at the moment. I feel all gummy-headed, like the feeling you get from drinking Sterno or huffing WD-40. So this letter will be short, I hope you understand.
Thank you for the picture you sent. In it, you remind me of Mandy from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Do you watch cartoons? I think you'd relate to that character. Perhaps you'll look it up on YouTube.com.
Well, the librarian is starting to complain about my smell again, so I suppose security will be escorting me out soon. I better bring this to a close.
Have a good day!
Your faithless friend,
And her letter from today:
Hello Dave!
How are you there my friend? I hope you are well! I also hope the weather there is not gloomy and the sun is shining over you! Here we have a gloomy weather but it is warm enough. I feel good and get ready for the trip. I'm still working but I think I'll stop to work by next week. My boss is not very happy that I'm leaving, but there is nothing he can do with it.
As far as my schedule when I come to NYC, I'm still not sure how exactly it will be. I was told that I'll be met by a man from the agency. He will help me to reach the office. I hope that I'll be able to go out to sightsee. I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to see NYC further. Dave,
As soon as I come to your town I'd like to make acquaintance with it. I hope you will help me. Will you be my guide? Please do not refuse me! Oh! By the way I went yesterday to the shop and took a look at that beautiful sky blue dress! It was wonderful! I was ready to buy it but I decided to save my money before my trip. You know it was very hard for me. My friend Katerina told that I could buy a new dress in America, for example in NYC! Do you know how much does it cost to buy a dress or something for women? Maybe you know some respectable shops? Let me know. I want to look well there. I think that Russia has become more and more westernized as far as fashion, but can you tell me am I look like an American woman or not. How does American woman wear? I'd be interested to know.
Dave, you maybe remember that I wanted to play guitar yesterday. And I did it. It seems that I played much better earlier, but still not bad. I think you'll like my play. In fact I play acoustic guitar. To be honest, yesterday I snapped the first string. I was disappointed but not very much. I wish I could buy a new guitar for myself there. I hope it will be not very expensive.
I write you a letter again from the internet cafe. I can't write from my work right now. I was told that our computers were infected by a "worm" and the internet was disconnected. Hopefully it will be switch on soon. It is not very comfortable to go to the internet cafe everyday. It causes me to go to bed late but I like to do it earlier. I also like to get up early. What about you?
I have some new Russian words for you Dave! Here they are:
Beautiful will be for "Krasivaya"
Kiss "Potselui"
Smile "Ulybka"
Joke "Shutka"
I also attached a picture for you. It was taken in the summer last year. I hope you like it.
Well, it is already late and I have to go to home. I need to get up early tomorrow. Till tomorrow
Your Russian friend
I wonder if she knows the Russian word for "fraud"? ;-)
Hey I got the same letter today. I have not replied to the last three letters and they still keep coming.
Wow Dave! You stole my girlfriend! I googled Moscow Recruitment Agency and came up dry. I then googled Yarega and recruitement and found you and some other guy have been backdooring me. If it sounds too good to be true...it is. Good thing I'm Mister negative! And, I was going to Disneyland!
Looks like she has been busy writing to us all, got another email from her today saying she has to work at the hospital tonight. One more week to see how this will play out. She is a good little scammer I must say.
Dave, I really like reading the updates. I asked Maria to remove me from her scam list, but I enjoy seeing the updates. I know she/he "the scammer" has read my e-mail because I haven't gotten an e-mail in about 5 days. I enjoy coming to your site to see the updates. - Later Dave
Holey S... I have been playing this same game. Crap what a waste of time. I got the same emails word for word.
I even got the same pictures....well at least I finally found "sunlightlady" when I did a google search, just not what I expected but then again that is why I was searching.
I got a more recent reply on the 15th.
Hello xxx!
How are you? I hope you are well. I'm fine too. It's just a quick note for you
xxx. I want to let you know that I can't write much today. I stayed for a
duty today at the hospital. Actually it's not my responsibility to stay at the
hospital for the night, but the doctor on duty can't work today. Something
happened with him so I replace him tonight. I didn't see if you sent me a message
or not, but I'll check my mailbox tomorrow morning. Please keep writing to me
even if I didn't write, ok. Well, I have to go. Till then xxx.
Your Russian friend
OK Dave and all you other suitors - hands off she's mine! I really wanted to thank you for posting this blog and the searchable link. Although I suspected something was amiss a few weeks ago when I realized she/he/it wasn't reading my messages, I continued to play to see where this was going. It is even more amusing to find so many others are getting the same e-mails and apparently at the same time.
She seems to be on autopilot now, I stopped writing over a week ago and yet the letters still come and "we are becoming closer and closer with each letter" and my letters brighten her day.
Oh, and to top it off, I got another message on Yahoo from a different woman (different picture anyway-a brunette) that started off the exactly the same but with a different email address:
Hello, (insert name here)! Are you real? I'm interested in knowing you hope you're too. Can you send me your recent pic I'll be waiting. Here is my email sexualbeauty(at)gmail.com
Taken too!
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